Thursday, December 24, 2009

Animal face-off! Who would win in a fight between a eight tiny reindeer and 10 lords a-leaping?

Eight tiny reindeer have precisely 32 sharp hooves and 16 sets of
antlers. 10 lords a-leaping might have some dueling pistols. So I
guess the thing you have to ask is how big is the arena? Advantage
lords if they have enough range. Advantage reindeer if they're close
enough to toss some hooves and antlers around.

Then you have to take into account that the fat man will probably be
dropping some damage from the side lines, waking up the lords the
night before since he knows when you're sleeping and can ninja into
your house through your chimney. We all know that lords have chimneys.

I'd have to give this fight to the reindeer.

